Malibu Hydro

System Status at July 26 2024 16:52:01.

Next update in 30 minutes 29 seconds.

Changes to the computer system have broken the FTP links, no data is passing from camp now.

Web page created Oct 15, 2007

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MMI Screen shot - when activated

McCannel Lake Status - live data
Lake level 004.3 ft
Weir overflow 000.0 ft
Lake temperature 033.5 C
Air temperature 020.5 C
Battery voltage 014.4 V
RTU up counter 185.0

Photo by Gil Dec 24

Malibu Hydro Dam Status

When battery at 11.5 volts the RTU is programmed to shut down, it is not the sensors.
Dam water level 053.0 cm
Header pipe level 040.5 cm
Filter differential 012.0 cm
Excess over flow 003.0 cm
Dam Water temp 000.5 C
Dam Air temp 024.0 C
Battery voltage 013.3 V
RTU up counter 003.0 A

580 kW Generator Status
Sensors to be installed as available.
Bearing 1 temp 000.0 C
Bearing 2 temp 000.0 C
Generator air temp ? C
Inside temperature ? C
HPU / PLC Battery V 000.5 V
Deflector position ? %
SCADAC Battery V ? V
Penstock pressure ? psi
Up Counter 044.0